Book Haul! (125)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

For review:  
Hades (Halo #2) by Alexandra Adornetto

Pegasus by Robin McKinley
Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Shimmer (Radiance #2) by Alyson Noel
Invincible Summer by Hannah Moskowitz
Exile (Aurelia #2) by Anne Osterlund
Back When You Were Easier To Love by Emily Wing Smith
Forgiven by Janet Fox
Ascendant (Killer Unicorns #2) by Diana Peterfreund
The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder
Illyria by Elizabeth Hand
Wayfarer (Faery Rebels #2) by RJ Anderson
Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony
My Way To Hell by Dakota Cassidy
A Golden Web by Barbara Quick
The Queen’s Daughter by Susan Coventry
Twelfth Grade Kills (Vladimir Tod #5) by Heather Brewer
Eyes Like Stars (Theatre Illuminata #1) by Lisa Mantchev
Alis by Naomi Rich
Ice by Sarah Beth Durst

Silent Echoes by Carla Jablonski
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  1. Ooh, Twelfth Grade Kills! I love the Vlad Tod series!

    I really need to get Eyes Like Stars, from the library or bookstore, doesn’t matter. I just need to re-read it so I can finally read Perchance to Dream.

    Hope you like all your books, and good luck with the read-a-thon! 🙂

    My IMM

  2. Ooh! So jealous of Hades!
    Crazy Beautiful was really weird…I don’t know how else to describe it. It was good, but just…weird.
    Rampant was really good. Enjoy Ascendant! (I have it sitting in my stack, but I haven’t let myself read it yet. I have a bunch of other stuff to get to first.
    Good luck with your read-a-thon!

  3. Another great week for you! 😀 I hope you do try Halo—I loved it, but I know it got some mixed reviews. Definitely looking forward to Hades! Also need to read the Killer Unicorn series..I have the first two, just need to make time for them!

    Enjoy all these lovely books!

  4. Sarah Beth Durst is a wonderful author! I hope you read her later books too 🙂

    Lovely vlog 🙂