Book Haul! (144)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

Awesome blogger mentioned:
-Erika from Rescue Reads

Sacrifice (Crave #2) by Laura J. Burns & Melinda Metz
Nightfall (The Vampire Diaries: The Return #1) by L.J. Smith

For review:
Thief’s Covenant (Widdershins #1) by Ari Marmell
Lightbringer by K.D. McEntire
Keeping The Castle by Patrice Kindl
Immortal City by Scott Speer
Dark Eyes by William Richter
Survive by Alex Morel
Ghost Flower by Michelle Jaffe
A Breath Of Eyre (Unbound #1) by Eve Marie Mont
Dark Frost (Mythos Academy #3) by Jennifer Estep
The Whole Story Of Half A Girl by Veera Hiranandani
Daughter Of The Centaurs (Centauriad #1) by Kate Klimo

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  1. Great post, I am dying to read almost all of those books lol. My IMM is going to be posted here in just a few, as soon as it uploads lol.

    I hope you had a great weekend and I hope you have a fantastic Sunday!!!

    Happy Reading! (So excited Google finally lets me comment on your blog!!! I read it all the time but never got to comment YAY!!!)

    Ali @Ali’s Bookshelf

  2. Awesome haul! Dark Eyes and Immortal City sound good. I haven’t read any of the Mythos Academy books yet but I might have to check them out soon. Enjoy all your books Katie!

    My IMM

    -Brittani 🙂

  3. Hey Katie,awesome book haul this week! And great video as well 🙂 Survive sounds really interesting, and definitely different! I really want to start the Mythos Academy series as well…

    Hope you enjoy everything you got in this week! You can check out my IMM for this week by clicking on the link below 🙂

    Lea @ LC’s Adventures in Libraryland

  4. I’m really excited for Ghost Flower. I haven’t read the Bad Kitty books (remember checking them out ages ago but never getting to them) but I adored Rosebush. Can’t wait to see what you think about it! :]

  5. Immortal City was good in that the concept rocked, but I didn’t really connect with the characters.

    Lovely vlog 🙂