Blogger Interview: Angela from Reading Angel!

Today I have an interview with the lovely Angela from Reading Angel.  Angela is actually my blogging twin so I’m super excited to have her here.  She is also the co-host for the 2012 YA Contemporary Challenge!

What are you like outside of blogging?

Firstly, I’m a wife and mother. My son and husband are my life and I love spending time with them and taking care of them. I’m also a goof ball, I love doing crazy things and just generally acting like a nut with my family and friends. I volunteer several places, and run around taking my son to school and sports.

What book changed your life?

I’ve been a life long reader. I remember being a little kid and reading all the Bernstein Bear books over and over again, as well as the Babysitter Club books and Chronicles of Narnia. I had a Little House on the Prairie box set that my mother read to me a night that I was so in love with. I still have those old Chronicles of Narnia and Little House on the Prairie Box Sets on my Shelves.

As I got to be a teen I stopped reading so much and started hanging out with friends more. Then Harry Potter landed in my hands and that all changed. I started devouring books again like they were the air I breathed. I joined shelfari and found an online community of book lovers like me and that just inspired me to find more and more books.

What made you decide to start your blog?

After a year or so on shelfari I made some really great book friends. Two of those amazing friends just happened to be named Candace and Lori. We all decided to start posting our reviews on blogs somehow and basically started this journey together. You might know them as Lori from Pure Imagination and Candace from Candace’s Book Blog! 😉

What blogs/bloggers inspire you?

Lori from Pure Imagination – first and foremost when I started and stopped my blog at the very beginning because of computer problems Lori kept at it and when I was able to start back Lori was there to show me how to really get going. She’s been my go to girl for everything from design to html and everything in between. She’s amazing and I wouldn’t have been able to keep going from the start without her!

Candace from Candace’s Book Blog – Like I said before, we’ve been friends since our pre-blog days and she is always there to talk things through and give me a pep talk when I need one. Her blog is a great mix of everything and her interviews are AMAZING!

Katie from Katie’s Book Blog – HAVE YOU SEEN HER BLOG?? This girl rocks my socks!! She reads like a child possessed and is always posting awesome stuff! Plus, she’s my bloggy twin!

Melina from Reading Vacation – Awww! I miss Melina. She was an amazing young blogger. She broke the ice for young bloggers to start blogging and showed how to step out with grace when blogging is not right for you in the moment. She is AMAZING.

Bailey from IBBookBlogging – Bailey handles anything thrown at her with such grace and is a constant inspiration to me. Her blog is run smoothly and efficiently, even with her crazy class load. She’s crazy generous! I love that girl!

There are so many more and I know that I can’t name them all or this post would be forever long so I’ll just name drop a few 😉 Reading Teen, Pages of Forbidden Love, Once Upon a Twilight, I Swim For Oceans, Between the Pages, and many more!

What are your goals for your blog in the future?

To keep at it, and to keep sharing the books I love!

Sometimes I think I get too caught up in what’s not important and forget that I started my blog to share my reviews because I was sooo excited about that book I had just finished and I wanted to share that with people! My goals for the future are to remember that and just to keep blogging to make myself happy and to share my love of reading with my readers!

What is your best book blogging moment?

That’s tough! Probably a tie! Both of them emails 🙂

First was a note from a reader telling me that I had helped them find they’re new favorite book and that they had got back into reading again after several years of just barely reading here and there.

Second was getting a note from an author telling me that my support had meant the world to them and that my excitement and encouragement had given them the push they needed to get through their rewrites on their new book.

Knowing that I had impacted both sides, both reader and writer, just touched me so deeply!


-Book of all time – Harry Potter series

New release – Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

-Genre – Contemporary YA

-Place to Read – Sling Chair on my screened in back porch in the sun!

-TV show – On-Air – Vampire Diaries Off-Air – Gilmore Girls

-Candy – Hershey’s Hugs

-Drink – Mountain Dew

You guys can find Angela at Reading Angel or on Twitter!

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  1. Great interview.

    I like seeing other people’s approach to blogging and look for ways to improve my blog as I’m still a relative newcomer to blogging.

    Thanks for putting this up.

  2. I love her blog! She writes awesome reviews, and it’s great she volunteers 🙂

    Lovely review 🙂