Book Haul! (146)

Book Haul is a weekly feature here on Katie’s Book Blog.  It is not something I created and I take no credit for it.  Anyone who wants to participate can and you don’t necessarily have to call it a book haul. It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

For review:
Black City (Black City Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Richards
A Breath Of Eyre (Unbound #1) by Eve Marie Mont
Take A Bow by Elizabeth Eulberg
Rock On by Denise Vega
The Savage Grace (The Dark Divine #3) by Bree Despain
The Divide (The Secret Circle #4) by LJ Smith
The Compelled (Stefan’s Diaries #6) by LJ Smith
Midnight (The Vampire Diaries: The Return #3) by LJ Smith
Moonsong (The Vampire Diaries: The Hunters #3) by LJ Smith
-Immortals Blu-Ray

Magyk (Septimus Heap #1) by Angie Sage
Dancergirl by Carol M. Tanzman
The One That I Want by Jennifer Echols

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  1. You got some fun looking books this week! You seemed much more relaxed in this video for some reason 😉 I’m looking forward to Dancergirl and The One That I Want and can’t wait to see what you think about them!

  2. Take a Bow sounds like a really great book, I had not heard of the author before, I will definitely be looking this one up! A Breath of Eyre sounds cute, I love when authors put a twist to the original story, can’t wait to read this one!
    Enjoy your stack 🙂

  3. Great books this week! I just got an email today that I won one of the Black City giveaways so WOOHOO! 🙂
    Magyk is supposed to be really good, I bought it a couple months back and I plan to read it with my son soon 🙂
    Can’t wait to start Take a Bow either! I hope to squeeze it in this month 🙂

  4. Looks like you got some great books!

    I just read The One that I Want last night and it was pretty good. I loved the main character Gemma, I connected with her so well, she reminds me a lot of my self.

    Happy reading!

  5. You always get the best books! So jealous! 🙂

    I love the cover of Black City and I’ve been meaning to read Bree’s books, a very pretty cover too. Great haul this week!

    I’d love you for you to swing by My IMM! 🙂

  6. First, I love your sunglasses, and your shirt. 🙂
    Black City has a really gorgeous cover. Let’s hope the writing is even half as beautiful. 😛
    Rock On was really cute. It miraculously manages to avoid making those of us that are clueless about guitars not feel stupid. Here’s my review, if you’re interested:
    Ooh. I haven’t read any of the VD books yet, but I SO want Compelled, also…*wipes away drool*

    Awesome haul! Enjoy!

  7. Awesome Haul! I love all the interesting books you got this week. Some I haven’t even ever heard of! I really want to read Black City and One that I Want! They both look like good reads. I’m wait for my copy of The Savage Grace!

    I hope you love all your books. They look wonderful 🙂

    My IMM

  8. Awesome IMM! I really want to read Take a Bow and The One That I Want. This is the first time I’m hearing about Rock On, but it looks really good – I’ll have to check it out! I’ve read dancergirl and really liked it. Hope you enjoy your books 🙂

  9. Soo jealous of ur IMM lol especially the one with Damon in the cover! Can’t wait to read that one! I read all the others cuz I Luv the show and the books. Btw the hunters trilogy isn’t written by the actual author cuz the series was taken away from her

  10. Great books! I so want to read Black City!! Everyone’s getting it and I’m quite envious. 🙂

    I’m not a fan of Secret Circle, either … my husband watches it and likes it, but I’m more of a Vampire Diaries girl!

    Happy reading!

  11. Black City and Take a Bow look really good. I love the cover definetly different. I haven’t really heard of any of the books that you got other than Black City, just because of your giveaway.

    The One That I want looks and Dancergirl sound good.

    Overall you got some books that sound/look good.

    Happy Reading!

  12. *SQUEALS* Black City! I’m so looking forward to reading that one. The slew of cover reveals and excerpts have been making me crazy with anticipation. A Breath of Eyre! The Savage Grace! Like you, I have to read book two, but I loved the first one. And I didn’t know there was fourth Secret Circle book!

    Don’t let the show fool you, they totally killed the awesomeness of the book series. It is amazing! I just don’t know if I could read the newest book considering I was 1) happy with the way the trilogy ended and 2) it’s written by someone else.

    I hope you like The One I Want! I haven’t read an AWESOME J. Echols books since Going Too Far, but I”m hoping this newest contemp will change that.

    Have an amazing reading week!


  13. Fantastic haul this week (as usual!). I’m jealous of Black City, I love the cover! I hope to catch up on the Dark Divine series on audio this month, I haven’t read them but have heard great things (about both the books and the audio versions). ~ Jen @ A Book and a LatteMy IMM post!

  14. Black City was amazing. What a wonderfully powerful retelling of the war in a paranormal way. Loved the commentary on prejudice.

    Lovely vlog 🙂