Blogger Interview: Erika from Rescue Reads!

Today I have an interview with Erika from Rescue Reads, one of my fabulous blogging little siblings!

What is you life like outside of blogging?

I read a lot, obviously. I enjoy movies and things like that. I like to to listen to music and hang out with friends.

What book changed our life?

This is going to sound really cheesy, and I hate to admit it, but Twilight. Twilight was my first real plunge into the young adult genre and I think it is what made me get interested in other young adult books. After reading Twilight I really got into the genre- ya romance and paranormal in particular; and my love for books pretty much grew from there.

What made you decided to start your blog?

Well I always enjoyed reading, though I never read as much as I do now I would read about a one to four books a month (I’m to about 5-8 currently) but some how I came across the site Random Buzzers, which is a site run by Random House, and I started to enter their contests and giveaways and eventually in May of 2011 I won an ARC of Passion by Lauren Kate, and at that point I was aware that Arcs were for people to review, so I began my blog as a way to review it.

Who are some bloggers who inspire you?

Some bloggers that inspire me are Kristi from The Story Siren, she was one of the first blogs I stumbled across. Another blog that inspires me is yours Katie 🙂 Katie from Katie’s Book Blog is my big sib and she give me help if I need it. Before I was Katie’s little blogger sib I was a fan of her blog and often looked up to her.

What are goals you have on your blog?
Some goals I have in the future of my blog is to add more personal touches and to do less of the common memes. I’m trying to make my blog more personal as well as posting more reviews and posts.

What are your best blogging moments?
Some of my best moments were meeting so many people and bloggers on twitter, getting comments where people say they like my blog, or when I get mentions on other blogs from people who say they like what I do.


Favorite book of all time: This is a really mean question. Um I’ll say anything that Stephanie Perkins has written, or Nevermore by Kelly Creagh. (Butting in to say that I totally recommended Nevermore to Erika!)

Favorite new release: The Fault in Our Stars

Favorite Genre: Young Adult Romance

Favorite place to read: In bed, on the couch, at a desk, I’m not picky.

Favorite TV show: Once Upon a Time

Candy: Chocolate

Drink: Grape soda

You guys can find Erika over at Rescue Reads or on Twitter!

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  1. I’ve talked to Erika on Twitter, and she’s totally amazing! I lover her blog and discussion posts, they’re so thoughtful. I really love how she’s aspiring to add more personal touches on her blog, I think that’s a goal we all should have for our blogs. =)

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  2. Don’t know why there was this backlash that made people feel like they have to apologize for loving Twilight. I adored the series. I loved the characters and the romance. The plot was great. The writing too. I think we should stick up for the series! And our opinions. Without apologizing.

    Lovely interview 🙂 She seems so nice 🙂