First Line Friday is a feature created by me, where I post five first lines from some books that I have on my TBR pile. You guys then get to vote, based on the first lines, for the book that I will read next! =)
Title: The Dark Unwinding
Author: Sharon Cameron
Release date: September 1, 2012
Warm sun and robin’s-egg skies were inappropriate conditions for sending one’s uncle to a lunatic asylum.
Rei Ellis whispers to me as the light goes dark.
Title: False Memory (False Memory #1)
Author: Dan Krokos
Release date: August 14, 2012
In the food court I find a mall cop leaning against a pillar.
The din of the clockwork dawn was loudest in the old sewers, a great whirring and clanking of gears as the artificial sun warmed up.
I used to be the kind of girl who would check under the bed and in the closet every night before going to sleep.
The Dark Unwinding, that opening line is great!
The Dark Unwinding. Seems like a cool narrative how she uses the word “ones.”
Ps me ~Sudha
The Dark Unwinding! That opening line is amazing!
Based on the first line I’m going to vote for The Demon Catchers of Milan.
I’m caught between two of them, so I would probably read both, in different rooms 🙂
the Dark Unwinding and The Demon Catchers of Milan.
The Dark Unwinding – awesome first sentence! 🙂
The Dark Unwinding, without question!
Based just on the first lines, I would say Skylark. That was my favorite one. 🙂
I totally think you should read The Dark Unwinding based on the first lines, but if I was choosing based on the synopsis and book, I’d say Skylark o.O
The Dark Unwinding has a really good first sentence 🙂
The Dark Unwinding. It sounds so good & I love the first sentence! 🙂
SKYLARK!! That sounds awesome! Clockwork suns – now I just bumped this book up to the top of my TBR 🙂
The Dark Unwinding hands down.
The Dark Unwinding’s first sentence looks really awesome!! Although I think Auracle is a close second. Good luck choosing!
The Dark Unwinding or Skylark, both are really great first sentences!
The Demon Catchers Of Milan or The Dark Unwinding.
The Dark Unwinding. =)
Jenea @ Books Live Forever
I agree with almost everybody above me: The dark Unwinding! 😀
Skylark most definitely! I am currently reading The Demon Catchers of Milan and not liking it too well… it’s boring at this point, can’t wait to get to the end to see if it gets any better. I just ordered Skylark today and can’t wait to read it. A blogger friend of mine told me it was amazing and she always gives me awesome book recommendations!
False Memory!
The Dark Unwinding! I know the first line makes me want to start reading it!
The first line of The Dark Unwinding is awesome!!