15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day Five!!

Today is day 5 of the awesome 15 day book blogger challenge hosted by April at Good Books and Good Wine!

Today’s topic is tearjerkers and I’m really excited to recommend my favorite tearjerker.  I admit, I’m one of those readers who cries over some of the littlest things.  However, today’s pick really did make me bawl my eyes out.

I know I’m not the only blogger to pick this book but I just couldn’t resist.  This book made me cry harder than any book I’ve read in a long time.  I loved every minute of this book and I can’t wait to read the companion novel, Rose Under Fire.  If you want to know more of my feelings for Code Name Verity, check out my review!

What’s the last book that made you cry?

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  1. I haven’t read Code Name Verity but I see it all over the place. I MUST check it out. When I think books that make me cry, the first thing to pop in my head is always, always The Fault in Our Stars. Every. Time.

  2. I’ve been wanting to read Code Name Verity ever since an author recommended it to me. I just have such a hefty TBR list that I haven’t gotten around to it. I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m also pleased to see that it is a tear jerker! 🙂

  3. I’m currently reading Code Name Verity via audiobook and whoa. I chose to listen to it because I thought it would help me keep a little distance. I’m also someone that cries at the drop of a pin, and I didn’t want to be a complete emotional mess. But I’m still getting super emotional.

  4. I loved the narrative style of this book, how she’s writing it, confessing it.

    It was awesome and you learn so much too 🙂