Stacking the Shelves: New Year, New Books! (22)

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

Yeah so the last time I did a Stacking the Shelves post was in September.  Oops.  Obviously I won’t be including all the books I received but I decided to share some with you guys.  These are the ones I’m most excited about!

#scandal by Sarah Ockler -I’ve already read this one and I loved it.  I’m such a huge fan of Sarah Ockler’s and #scandal may be her best yet!

Biggest Flirts (The Superlatives #1) by Jennifer Echols – This is another one that I’ve already read.  I couldn’t resist picking this one up as soon as I had it on my Kindle.  Biggest Flirts is an adorable romantic comedy from Jennifer Echols and a great start to this series. 

The Treatment (The Program #2) by Suzanne Young – I’ve read this one too and I adored the ending to the Program series.  Suzanne Young is an all time favorite author of mine and I can’t wait to see what she does next.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart – I haven’t read this one yet but I’m really excited to.  I’ve heard nothing but great things and I’m dying to find time to read it.  

The Here and Now by Ann Brashares – I love Ann Brashares and I’m sure I’m going to love The Here and Now.  It sounds very different than anything she’s done before and I’ve heard good things about it so far.

Bright Before Sunrise by Tiffany Schmidt – I haven’t read Tiffany Schmidt’s previous novel, Send Me A Sign, but I’ve heard great things about it.  I have high hopes for Bright Before Sunrise.
The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings – I have been dying to read this book ever since I first heard about it.  I plan on reading it very soon!
Exile by Kevin Emerson – I really enjoyed Kevin Emerson’s previous book, The Lost Code, so I’m eager to see what he does with a contemporary story.
Great by Sara Benincasa – A contemporary retelling of The Great Gatsby?  What more could a girl ask for?
Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman – This was my Waiting on Wednesday post a while ago and I was so excited to get an e-galley.  I have just been waiting to be in the right mood to read it.
Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg – It’s been so hard not setting everything aside to read this one immediately.  I’m such a huge fan of Elizabeth Eulberg’s books.  I can’t wait to dive into this one.
Defy by Sara B. Larson – I’ve been hearing such great things about this book. As soon as I saw it on Netgalley, I knew I had to request it!
The Unbound (The Archived #2) by Victoria Schwab – I’ve already read this one and let me just tell you guys this; it’s even better than the first book.  
Lady Thief (Scarlet #2) by A.C. Gaughen – I’ve also read this one and I really enjoyed it.  I’m now dying for the third book in the trilogy.
Frozen (Taken #2) by Erin Bowman – Taken was one of my favorite books of 2013 and I have high hopes that Frozen will end up on my favorites list for 2014.
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  1. Great does sound amazing! I haven’t read The Great Gatsby yet, so I think it might be fun to read both books back to back. Biggest Flirts and We Are Liars both sound incredible, too. They’re two of my most anticipated 2014 releases. I hope you enjoy all your books 🙂

  2. We’ve gotten several of the same books. I got Exile, The Murder Complex, Great, Prisoner of Night & Fog and The Treatment several weeks ago (possibly a month ago) The Treatment was aaaahmazing. I got We Were Liars a few weeks ago as well.

    So bummed that I didn’t get The Here and Now.I am still waiting to hear on #scandal (crossing fingers)

    Happy reading!

  3. Lady Thief and We Were Liars are on my to be read ASAP list. A C Gaughen’s first book in the series and one of my favourite retelling is pretty much fantastic

  4. I love the sound of The Murder Complex! I wasn’t so keen on Defy…it kind of didn’t live up to expectations for me, but I hope you enjoy it. 🙂 Exile looks cool too.

  5. I LOVE Sarah Ockler!! I’m so happy you loved #scandal because some people said that it’s not as good as her usual stories, that it’s about a mystery, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing! I LOVED her previous book, with Jude and her father and the motorbike, and I’ll read anything by her 🙂