Stacking The Shelves + BEA Request! (23)

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews! It is a list of what books you have received over the previous week, either for review, from the library, from the bookstore, or from trades.

I fail with posting Stacking the Shelves.  Seriously, the last time I did one was in January.  I do usually post pics on Instagram though (@katiesbookblog) so if you follow me there you still find out what I get in the mail.  However, for all you people who don’t follow me there, here are some of the exciting books I’ve received since January.  (This will not include books I’ve already read/reviewed.)

The Lovely and the Lost (The Dispossessed #2) by Page Morgan
Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican
Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick
The Fires of Calderon (The Balance Keepers #1) by Lindsay Cummings
Of Monsters and Madness by Jessica Verday
Rites of Passage by Joy Hensley
Don’t Touch by Rachel M. Wilson
The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan
Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke
Boomerang by Noelle August
Through To You by Lauren Barnholdt
Better When He’s Bad by Jay Crownover
Torn Away by Jennifer Brown
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Burn Out by Kristi Helvig
Amity by Micol Ostow

The King (Black Dagger Brotherhood #12) by J.R. Ward
Gilded Ashes by Rosamund Hodge
Red At Night by Katie McGarry

As you guys know, BEA is coming up really soon!  I wasn’t planning on going (money issues) but I recently got a new job and I decided to see about going.  However, I waited a little too long and most people already have roommates and rooms booked.  If you are looking for a roommate or know of someone looking for a roommate, please let me know.  My dates are flexible so that’s not an issue.  I just really would like to be able to make the trip again this year and if I can’t find someone to stay with, I can’t go.  You can comment here or shoot me an email at katieb206 at gmail dot com!

So there you go!  Like I said, these aren’t all the books that I’ve received but it’s some of them.  If you ever want to know all the books that I have on my shelves, feel free to head over to Goodreads since I do keep my Goodreads account completely up to date.

What have you received lately?  Feel free to leave a link in the comments!

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  1. Great book haul!

    For BEA I’m staying in a hostel for about $200 total Wed.-Sun. because I’m a broke post-grad. 🙁 Hope you have luck finding a roomie!

  2. Open Road Summer and Boomerang both sound like amazing reads. I’m hoping to read them both sometime this month.

    I didn’t know Rosamund Hodge had a novella come out! I loved Cruel Beauty, and I’ll definitely be buying Gilded Ashes. Thanks so much for mentioning it 🙂 I’m extremely excited to read it now.

  3. Don’t Touch seems like such an awesome contemporary – love the OCD/thought OCD issue along with the theater setting. It’s also very family oriented from the synopsis in terms of the support she gets and the whole thing sounds awesome!

    Hope you find a roomie soon!!

    Congrats on your new job 🙂

  4. I love the look of Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick and Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke sounds great. Good luck finding a roomie!! 😀