October’s Exciting New Releases!

August's Exciting NewReleases

Every month there are a ton of new releases and I feel like a lot of them get overlooked.  I decided I’m going to spotlight a few books that I am excited about each month.  These may include books I’ve read or books I’ve been dying to read!


Atlantia by Ally Condie

I loved Ally Condie’s Matched trilogy and I love that this series sounds completely different from that one.  I’m not usually a big fan of underwater settings but I’ve heard such good things about this one that I can’t wait for the release!3650d266-622a-4bea-a5d0-68a89c7c41ec_zpsd0bf7713

The Accidental Highwayman: Being the Tale of Kit Bristol, His Horse Midnight, a Mysterious Princess, and Sundry Magical Persons Besides by Ben Tripp

I missed this one at BEA and I was kicking myself for days.  The blurb says it’s perfect for fans of The Princess Bride so I am all over this one!


Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

I have been seeing amazing reviews for Snow Like Ashes since it was posted on Edelweiss a few months ago.  I honestly don’t think I’ve seen a bad review of this one and that tells me I need to read it.


Althea & Oliver by Cristina Moracho

Every now and then a book gets added to my TBR even though I’ve read no reviews of it.  That is the case with Althea & Oliver.  I know pretty much nothing about it but it sounds like my kind of book.


The Body Electric by Beth Revis

I enjoyed Across the Universe by Beth Revis so I immediately added this one to my TBR.  Add to that the fact that the cover was designed by Hafsah at IceyBooks and I was sold.


Sublime by Christina Lauren

I’ve already read this one and it’s so perfect for Halloween.  It’s spooky and eerie and full of twists.  I’m a huge fan of ghost stories and I’m happy to say that this one is superb.

What are some of your most exciting releases for September?  Have you read any of the ones I mentioned?

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  1. I read a review copy of Althea & Oliver and really enjoyed it! Moracho’s writing style is so beautiful, I was hooked from the first sentence!

  2. I’ve preordered “Snow Like Ashes” so I probably will read it this month.
    “The Body Electric” is already on my wishlist. But I’m not quite sure if I shall read “Atlantia” because I didn’t really like her “Matched”-Trilogy…