My Latest Obsession: The 100

I don’t usually have time to read during the school semester but I always make time to watch some TV.  I typically watch shows that I already know and love but this time I decided to try something new.  All the bloggers talking about The 100 on Twitter helped make my decision.  (Also, just look at that cast photo.  They are all so gorgeous, I couldn’t not watch.)


The 100 is based on a book series from Kass Morgan which I have not read. I have no clue if reading it will make any difference in regards to the enjoyment of the show.  Just in terms of watching the show for fun, it’s supremely awesome.  I watched the first season (13 episodes) in a day.  The second season is currently underway and the mid-season finale is this coming Wednesday.

The cast is what makes this show so awesome.  You will probably start the show hating most of them but that’s totally okay.  Clarke was really one of the only ones that I liked at first.  The rest of them kind of grow on you.  Clarke is amazing from the start.  She is one bad ass female lead.  She takes shit from no one.  I love how self-sufficient she is but she’s not afraid to show her weaker side and ask for help.  Bellamy and Finn both take some getting used to.  Bellamy is a complete tool in the early episodes and Finn just seems like a bit of a player.  Octavia seems like an airhead bimbo but that changes quickly. You can’t really judge the cast from the early episodes.  Give them a little time to grow.

The early episodes are also hard to love but that’s only the first two or so.  Personally I had no trouble getting addicted after one episode but I’ve heard plenty of people say that they didn’t get hooked until episode three or so.  Just give it a little time if you don’t love it at first. Things really get crazy on the ground and the show takes lots of unpredictable turns later on.

I highly recommend checking out The 100 if you like any of the CW’s other shows.  It’s not my typical TV show but I’m glad I gave it a try. I really think I’m going to have to check out the books while I wait for the show to return after the mid-season finale.

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  1. I luv this show! I have been watching since it started. IMO, the cutest guy on the show is Lincoln! He is GORGEOUS! Bellamy has improved. He did get on my nerves in the beginning. I need to read the books. Hope to do that next yr.

  2. I just recently got into the 100 (and also watched the first season in a day) and have 1 episode left of season 2 to watch. I got hooked as well but I also got annoyed with every character at least a couple times. They just seem to change their minds to often.
    I’m debating whether or not to read the book which I hear is different. The funny thing is I didn’t hear a lot about it until recently and now I see it everywhere on

  3. The books were on NetGalley a while back – they might still be there (and they were in the read now section). I’ve never watched this show, but I hear you on the getting addicted thing.

  4. I understand the obsession. I love this show! What a cool concept! Of course, having the parents show up and try to say, “OK, we’re here now, it’s time for you to obey us again,” should make things VERY interesting (I’m behind a few episodes).

  5. So much YES! I binged on all the episodes in a few days too. Poor Finn, everyone hates him. Sadly he isn’t my favorite but I don’t hate him.
    I am rooting for Clarke and Bellamy though and I love all the kick ass girls on the show 🙂

  6. The third episode hooked me. I watched the first season in a weekend during the spring. I kept the first season on my DVR and have been recording the second season so I can marathon the first and second season together! I seriously hope this show is renewed.

  7. I requested the 2 books (The 100 and Day 21) from NetGalley and read it before I watch the Season 1 TV series. I know it’s not right to compare the TV series with the books but the show is just awesome. There are a lot of details added to the it which makes the story richer.

  8. Oh, I love the show too. I read the books before seeing the show, and I must tell you – while the books are okay, the show is way better. However, they killed off Wells in the show while he has a bigger role to play in the books. And Bellarke is actually canon in the books. But the show has more characters and is more badass.

  9. LOVE! The 100, definitely am planning on purchasing the book. But honestly, I sit on pins and needles waiting for the next episode. #TeamLincoln