Discussion: How Do You Decide What To Read?

Back before I started blogging, I never had trouble deciding what I wanted to read after finishing a book.  It wasn’t even really a problem for the first few years of blogging either.  Nowadays though I can’t decide what to read, ever.

I used to be a mood reader.  I would decide what to read based on whatever mood I was in at the time of finishing one book.  I still do that sometimes but it’s rare.  Every now and then when I’m in a bad mood I know I need a fluffy contemporary novel and can pick one of those from my shelves.  I also know that when I’m in a reading slump, I should pick one of my old favorites and give it a re-read (think Ella Enchanted or Harry Potter).  However, that only takes care of about one book a month (and I do tend to read a bit more than that).

Recently, I’ve created a TBR jar (or in my case, bucket) and I’ve found that it is actually really helpful for me.  It takes all the guess work out of deciding what to read next and it’s kind of fun to just have no clue what I’ll be reading next.  Tons of bloggers have suggested I do this for years but I only just recently caved.

The only problem I have with a TBR jar is that it doesn’t really allow me to stick to a review schedule unless I were to create a separate jar for each month.  I know I’m pretty much a horrible blogger anyway when it comes to reviewing on time but I really do like to have some kind of schedule so I can get a few new releases reviewed each month. I’d love to reach some kind of balance where I can read review books but also draw some titles from the TBR jar and get to some of the books on my shelves that have been there for way too long.  (Seriously, it’s embarrassing how long I’ve had some of the books on my shelves.)

Do you ever find yourself just standing in front of an overstuffed bookcase trying to decide what to read next?  How do you pick?  Do you read based on your review schedule?  Do you like or hate the idea of a TBR jar?

Feel free to leave suggestions or helpful tips in the comments.  I have really got to get back to some kind of reading schedule this year now that school isn’t going to require quite so much of my time.

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  1. Unless I have an ARC that needs to be reviewed, I’m a mood reader. Most of the time this works for me unless I’m in an indecisive mood. Then I sit staring at my bookshelf for far too long trying to decide what I want to start next. 😛

  2. I’ve never stood in from of a shelf (I read everything on my Fire) but I have, at rare occasions, not known what I wanted to read. I am a complete mood reader, and sometimes I haven’t known what I wanted to read. In that case, I hand my Fire to my Hubby and ask Him to pick for me. I’ve even had a friend pick out books for me.

    Now, I do challenges at GoodReads and for swaps that I do, so some books are chosen for me, or I chose books that I need for the challenges. I don’t have a review schedule, unless I’ve been asked to read a book by a certain time, which is rare. I don’t revolved around my book blog, my blog revolves around me and what it is that I want to read and do. 🙂 I know of people who have done the TBR jar. I haven’t, but I know others who enjoy it.

  3. I love having a reading jar. I just made one this past week. I plan to still read my more recent review copies by due dates (especially for tours) and then I plan to just draw from the jar for in between! Enjoy your TBR jar!

  4. I totally feel like this! For a lot of years blogging I didn’t have any trouble, but now I’m torn between what I want to read and galleys from netgalley and arcs that are coming out soon, and then I panic not knowing what to read! I may try the jar idea, I feel like it will take a lot of pressure off.

  5. I did the TBR jar last year but it didn’t work out. I decided to read in a whim or by highly recommended books. Although it might be a hit or miss when I read popular books, it helps me to atleast read. I think it might help that you separate the new releases and the one that has been on your shelf for a while now. Pick one alternately to be balanced 😀

  6. Great topic. I seem to always be in the same boat. I think I’m in the mood swing reader category but then there are times when my mood can’t seem to decide what to read either. Now this jar/bucket thing you got going on sounds like a fantastic idea! I’ve never tried that. One time I had a list that I would choose from but that didn’t work out. I don’t have to worry about posting on a timeline, I just post when I want to so the jar just might work for me.

  7. I stopped taking review requests because of this very reason – I wasn’t getting to read things I WANTED to read. I still do review tours, and those books are my priority reads. Otherwise, I read whatever I want off my shelves or Kindle that will allow me to complete an item for one of my reading challenges. In the fall, I focused on one genre each month, and I’m still doing that. All this month I’ve been reading historical books, and next month I’m reading chick lit, simply to clean out books off my Kindle.

  8. I decided to tackle this problem with multiple changes to my habits. First, I am not buying as many new releases or making as many review requests. Second, I pick a handful of books off my ridiculous main bookshelves (I have a LOT of books!) to read for the month. Some are series enders, some are books that Goodreads groups are reading, some work for a reading challenge, and some are simply books that I have meant to read for a while. When newly pubbed books come in, they go on that shelf as well. I don’t necessarily *have* to read those books, but it usually takes some of the effort out of choosing a book off of the main shelves. I’ve been swapping books out every month to keep the options fresh but usually end up reading most of them. If I still can’t pick, I let my husband pick a book. He actually has pretty good taste!

  9. I really like the idea of a TBR jar, but I couldn’t do that myself! I read books that I received for review , then I’m way to much of a mood reader. I totally understand about the always there books on a TBR pile – mine is outrageous!

  10. I did a version of a TBR jar for the first time this year. I picked 15-20 books I knew I wanted to read this year and only put them in the jar and have been picking one a month. I figured this way, I wasn’t adding them all and didn’t risk the chance of pulling one after another until I picked one I liked. I am trying to resolve to read what I pick that month and not cheat and keep pulling ones until one looks good. I explained it and listed the books I chose on my blog.

  11. I wouldn’t call myself a mood reader. I just read what’s available in the public library usually. But like you said, it’s a little embarrassing how long some of the books I own have been on my shelves. I’m definitely going to try out TBR jar for those! Hopefully I won’t cheat and just put the little piece of paper back in the bowl 🙂

  12. I never know what to read next! I’m mostly a mood reader, but I’m also super indecisive so I just end up starting books and putting them down to start new ones. I have a TBR jar of sorts, but I usually just use it when I can’t decide what to read next or for reading slumps. I pull out a title and have to read at least the first few chapters to see if I will get into it or not. I’ve found through trial and error though that I hate planning out what I’m going to read at the beginning of the month. Even if they are books I want to read, if I plan to do it, they will NEVER get read.

  13. I made a TBR jar over the summer and I have yet to use it. It turns out I’m much more of a mood reader than I thought.

    Knowing that each of those slips a book overwhelms me. I’m going to refashion my jar to only contain 20 books and then alternate books from the jar with a book of my choosing. This way all the way around, I have more choices and lots less stress!

  14. I am a mood reader, for the most part – but also like to do read-alongs and will pick up things that other people are reading as well. I feel paralyzed sometimes by ALL THE BOOKS I want to read, and even when I’m enjoying the book I’m currently reading, can’t wait to get on to the next one! Nice topic, and good luck with your TBR jar! https://bookishtendencieskatie.wordpress.com/

  15. I have tried using a TBR jar, and even decorated one to make it all cutesy. However, it just didn’t work for me. I tend to read things that reflect what sort of mood I am in, or whatever mood I *want* to be in.

    Most recently, I read whatever is in line for me to review. If I was given a complimentary book by an author or publisher, that will be read before anything else. ‘Professional’ reads take precedence over recreational reads. Sometimes, though, I sneak in a few chapters of my own pick, but…Shhh! haha


  16. I’m contemating a tbr jar. I’m aruggling right now with what to read and review because I am just now starting a book blog. I wrestle with reviewing all the new releases because I think I should start with backlist work my way to the front list. There’s so many new releases choosing a book his harder then it was last week when I wasn’t doing a book blog.

  17. I’ve been in a reading slump myself for a while. I recently started an online book club. We choose one book a month to read and discuss. It’s helping, but I still have SO MANY on my TBR list to catch up on as well.