Where I’ve Been and Where I’ll Be

Hey guys!

I know it has been ages since I’ve posted consistently on the blog and I apologize for that.  I’ve been so busy with school and work that I haven’t read anything for fun lately.  However, school is 3 weeks away from being over for the semester and I’ve already started picking out books to read when I have some free time.

As most of you know, BEA is next month.  I didn’t originally think I was going to be able to attend this year but thanks to the kindness of other bloggers, it looks like I’ll be able to go after all.  If you’re going to be at BEA, please let me know.  I’d love to meet up.  Also, if there is going to be any sort of blogger get-together I would love to hear about it.  The books are a great perk of BEA but I really go to meet and hang out with my fellow bloggers.

What have you been reading lately?  Anything that needs to be on my radar?

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  1. Hey Katie! 🙂 I start school in August so I’m already biting my nails nervously to see how I’m going to be able to blog, read, write, and do all those other fun things PLUS breath and eat. haha. I was thinking about attending the BEA event but don’t think I’ll be able to. If only it was virtual because that would be EPICAL! <3

  2. I’ll be at BEA too. I was going back and forth on it for a while but I think everything has fallen into place. Good luck with the end of school.