Monthly YA Subscription Box Review| Uppercase

Monthly subscription boxes are all the rage right now.  I don’t know about you guys but I love them.  It’s like getting a present in your mailbox every month.  I’ve been wanting to check out Uppercase for a while now so when I got the chance to review their September box, I jumped at it.  So full disclosure, I did not pay for this box but I am, in no way, being compensated for my review.

click the image to be taken to the website

Uppercase has always appealed to me since it was created by Lisa Parkin who has been part of the blogging community for years.  Lisa runs her own YA book blog so I felt that she knew what bloggers would really want out of a bookish subscription box.  From what I have seen and the one box that I received this month, that assumption was correct.

What Came In The Box

I was basically like a kid of Christmas morning when I got this in the mail.  I immediately ripped into the package and started pulling things out.  The first thing I saw was the earrings which are absolutely adorable and perfect.

After that I pulled out the custom notepad that was made for the boxes.  I think it’s the perfect notepad for any reader.  Who doesn’t need a TBR notepad?  Also included was a bookmark, a signed bookplate, and a copy of Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman.


Included throughout the book are notes with codes leading to special content for Uppercase subscribers. I consider this a great perk since, as a blogger, there is a chance I already have a copy of the book.  (I didn’t this time but it could happen.)

Things I like about Uppercase:

  • The box has fun items that are useful and appeal to me as a blogger and as a traditional reader.  Each item is unique and something I could see myself purchasing.
  • Their website is clean and extremely easy to use.  You can check out past boxes, reviews of Uppercase, and the different options they offer as far as the subscription goes.  The box I received was their Expert option and they have two other options, the Book Exclusive Plan or the Personalized plan.  With the Book Exclusive Plan you can get the same book as the Expert plan but it’s slightly cheaper and doesn’t include the extra bookish items.  The Personalized Plan allows you to fill out a reading survey and you get a special book tailored to your reading preferences.  I am actually really interested in checking out that option.
  • The exclusive content, like I said earlier, is great for everyone.  Even if you happen to already have the book that you are sent, you now have access to special content that ties into the book.
  • The price is very reasonable for what you are getting.  The expert plan is $23 and not only do you get a brand new hardcover, you also get exclusive content and 1-2 bookish items.  I do understand that you can probably get the book cheaper if you order on Amazon or something but I still don’t think the money is too unreasonable for Uppercase.

Things I don’t like about Upppercase:

  • It doesn’t currently ship internationally.  Obviously this doesn’t affect me but I know a ton of international readers who love subscription boxes.
  • There is always the chance that you are going to get a book that you already own.  There isn’t a way to return the book if you do happen to have it already.  Like Uppercase says on their website though, as long as you don’t preorder a ton of books, you should be okay and will probably get a book you don’t already have.

Uppercase definitely has more things I love than things against it.  I could see myself subscribing to this box on a monthly basis.  There is always the chance that I will already have the book (since I get quite a few ARCs and preorder some things) but I feel like that’s a gamble I’d be willing to take.  I also wouldn’t mind sending a box as a gift to a reader friend of mine.  It’s a fun option and I think I know some people who would really love getting an Uppercase box.

I’d also really recommend subscribing to any non-blogging readers.  If you are a big young adult fan and you don’t regularly preorder books, Uppercase is perfect for you.  It’s a great way to get a new young adult release that you may or may not have heard of before.  It’d also be a great way to introduce yourself to the young adult genre if you aren’t already familiar with it.  Like I said earlier, Lisa has been a YA blogger for years so she really knows what she is doing when she picks out the books for the box.

Do you subscribe to any bookish or non-bookish subscription boxes?  Have you been thinking about subscribing to one?  What do you think about Uppercase?

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  1. I’ve been meaning to subscribe to one of these. This box looks lovely and I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as you did! Those earrings are just heavenly. Lisa definitely seems to know what she’s doing, what readers want, so this is definitely appealing and hopefully it will continue to thrive.

    I agree with you on the pros and the cons of it all. I’m always a bit hesitant to do subscription boxes and accidentally get something I already own, but this one seems like a great shot considering I don’t preorder books very often.

    Great review! xx

  2. I love when bloggers show/review these boxes. I think it’s a fun idea, but I don’t like to take risks with my money, so it’s nice to see what actually comes in these. Still not sure it’s worth the $23 … I loved VENGEANCE ROAD, though, and that notepad is super cute. Thanks for sharing your opinion!