Published by Delacorte Press on May 12, 2020
Genres: Contemporary
Pages: 245
Format: ARC
Source: ALA
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Perfect for fans of Morgan Matson and Netflix/Hallmark Channel rom-coms, this is the story of a girl who decides to give in to the universe and just say yes to everything, bringing her friendship, new experiences, and, if she lets her guard down, true love.
The perfect book to kick off summer! For as long as Rachel Brooks can remember, she's had capital-G Goals: straight As, academic scholarship, college of her dreams. And it's all paid off--after years of following the rules and acing every exam, Rachel is graduating at the top of her class and ready to celebrate by . . . doing absolutely nothing. Because Rachel Brooks has spent most of high school saying no. No to dances, no to parties, and most especially, no to boys.
Now, for the first time in her life, there's nothing stopping Rachel from having a little fun--nothing, that is, except herself. So when she stumbles on a beat up old self-help book--A SEASON OF YES!--a crazy idea pops into her head: What if she just said yes to . . . everything?
And so begins a summer of yes. Yes to new experiences and big mistakes, yes to rekindled friendships and unexpected romances, yes to seeing the world in a whole new way. This book is a fresh and fun take on the coming-of-age novel that explores the quintessential themes of growing up: taking risks, making mistakes, and, of course, love. And who knows? Lindsey Roth Culli's hilarious and heartwarming debut may just inspire your own SAY YES SUMMER.
my thoughts:
It’s been quite some time since I’ve been interested in reading a cutesy, young adult contemporary read. The stories all started to seem very similar and I found my tastes leaning more towards the fantasy side of things. However, with a cover like this one, I couldn’t resist picking up a copy of Say Yes Summer at ALA this past January. What’s inside definitely lives up to the fun vibe readers will pick up from the cover.
Rachel has spent her whole high school career working her butt off, forgoing the traditional high school parties and friendships in favor of making valedictorian. However, when the summer after her senior year arrives, she realizes she’s done all the work and doesn’t necessarily have anything to focus on over the summer. She decides it’s finally time to let loose and start saying yes to some of those experiences that she missed out on over the years; parties, boys, and friendships are in her future!
Whoever wrote the blurb for this one was spot-on. Say Yes Summer is truly perfect for fans of Hallmark rom-coms which may be why I had some issues with it. Just like in Hallmark, things in Say Yes Summer were a little too perfect and a little too cheesy. Love interest number one, Clayton, can literally do no wrong. He’s athletic, he’s funny, he’s charming. The list could go on. He’s got all these fabulous characteristics and not a single flaw. It’s hard for me to get behind a love interest without a flaw. Love interest number two, Miles, on the other hand, was far from perfect therefore I adored him. He was quirky and funny and actually knew Rachel. Between the two of them, Clayton just fell flat.
Lucky for readers, the rest of the characters were far from flat. Rachel is a strong, smart female who has always known what she wants and does what it takes to get it. She’s bold and brave and a little awkward. She stole the show from the start but she wasn’t the only one worth reading about. Rachel’s family and friends were wonderful. If you’re looking for a young adult novel that shows what a good family looks like, this is the one for you. They aren’t perfect but they are there for each other through good and bad times. Family seems to be something that gets overlooked a lot in YA and I was so glad to see a different sort of representation in Say Yes Summer.
The plot wasn’t anything that hasn’t been done already but it was done well. The book was short enough that it never dragged on and I found it hard to stop reading once I started. I also found it difficult to keep a smile off my face while reading. I challenge you not to smile or even laugh out loud at some of the situations Rachel found herself in.
Overall, Say Yes Summer is a book I definitely think you should say yes to this summer. Cute boys, ice cream on the beach, and rekindled friendships make this one worth reading.
“Dr. Paula outlines a three-step plan for success with her process, but essentially it seems to boil down to this: We are, as Aristotle said, what we repeatedly do. Therefore, if we repeatedly say yes to opportunities, people, and experiences, we will become our truest, fullest selves.”
-Lindsey Roth Culli, Say Yes Summer
Check out Lindsey Roth Culli’s virtual launch with Caprichos Books!
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My mom and sister LOVE those movies. I’m like you. I find them to be just a bit too perfect lol.