What I’ve Been Up To Lately | April 2020

April was not a great month for me.  I’ve had a hard time focusing (on anything really, not just books) so I don’t feel like I accomplished much.  Instead of just posting about the books I read, I decided I’d share some other ways I was staying occupied in my newly acquired free time.

Colorado is an amazing place for hiking.  While it’s obviously not possible to really get up in the mountains, Denver’s surrounding areas aren’t bad.  I’m a relatively new hiker so I’ve been using the time to practice with some easier trails.  I still feel like I want to die throughout most of the hikes but the struggle is not as real as it was when I started in January.

If you’re in the Denver/Morrison area, I’d highly recommend the Dinosaur Ridge area as well as Lair o’ the Bear park.

Look at me, reading some of my backlist books.  Mind you, I’m not doing too great with my review books but I gotta take the win somewhere.  I’ll be posting reviews of these in May but I’ll just say, the only one that really impressed me was 11/22/63.  Stephen King is still a relatively new to me author but if my love for this one is any indication, I’ll be picking up more of his books in the future.

Also, not pictured is The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller, which I actually did review and you can read that review if you’re interested.

You would think that this free time would be a great time to binge one of the many new shows or movies on my Netflix list but instead I’ve been watching some of my favorites again.

It’s never a bad time for Harry Potter and I’ve seen all 8 movies at least once over the past month.  I may have a slight problem  but the first step is admitting it, right?

Supernatural is also not new to me though I’ve never actually watched the whole series.  I’m a few episodes into season 7 at the moment and I wouldn’t mind the apocalypse so much if Sam and Dean were involved.

After actually was a new watch for me and I even posted a review!  I’m not a movie reviewer so go easy on me.

I’ve added more than a few books to my TBR lately but I had to feature these 3.  I’m so eager to get my hands on these.

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E. Schwab is the latest from a favorite author of mine.  It sounds amazing and October cannot get here fast enough.

The Faithless Hawk by Margaret Owen is the sequel to The Merciful Crow which was one of my favorite books of 2019.  This one is out in July so I don’t have too much longer to wait to find out what happens next!

The Damned by Renee Ahdieh is another sequel, this one to The Beautiful.  If you love vampires, this series needs to be on your TBR.  June will be here before we know it and I will get to read more about the swoonworthy Sebastien Saint Germain.

What did you spend the month of April doing? Let me know in the comments if there are any books or movies you’d recommend to get me out of this slump!

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  1. Colorado is one of my favorite places to visit. I love hiking there! It is such a great way to set my mind at ease.

    I’ve got YOU on my backlog of books to read too, so you’ve inspired me to get after it.