source As most of you readers know, I put myself on book buying bans quite a lot. I’m in college, I like to travel, and not all of my money […]

source As most of you readers know, I put myself on book buying bans quite a lot. I’m in college, I like to travel, and not all of my money […]
Sequels are the bane of my existence. I love them and I hate them. If I could read standalones for the rest of my life, I would. Sadly, series, trilogies, […]
Is it just me or does it seem like every book written these days is the start of a series? Don’t get me wrong, I love series’ just as much […]
source How important is blog design? This wasn’t something that really crossed my mind when I first started blogging. I wanted my blog to look cute and that was all […]
Over on Totally Booksessed, the Youtube channel that I am a part of, we had the idea to do book blogger appreciation vlogs. I’m not sure how many of you […]
This year I am hosting a Bloggiesta mini-challenge. To start though I want to share a little about how Twitter can help you promote your blog! Twitter is a fabulous […]
I’ve been debating whether or not I really want to post about book blogger etiquette but I decided to go ahead and post about it. These are just my opinions […]
Lately I have read a lot of posts and tweets about bloggers. Most of the stuff I have read has been negative. I could understand if people were talking about […]
Blogging can be one of two things: a solitary endeavor or a community project. Most bloggers run their own site and they do everything on their own. That is how […]