Title: Fade OutAuthor: Nova Ren SumaRelease date: September 17, 2009Publisher: Simon PulsePages: 272Source: BookstoreReading level: MG If this were a movie, you’d open to the first page of this book […]
Category: mystery
The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry
Title: The Girl Who Was Supposed to DieAuthor: April HenryRelease date: June 11, 2013Publisher: Henry HoltPages: 224Source: PublisherReading level: YAChallenge(s): YA Contemporary “Take her out back and finish her off.” […]
The Book Of Blood And Shadow by Robin Wasserman
Title: The Book Of Blood And ShadowAuthor: Robin WassermanRelease date: April 10, 2012Publisher: Random House Children’s BooksPages: 448Source: Publisher It was like a nightmare, but there was no waking up. […]
Clarity by Kim Harrington Review + Giveaway!
Book: Clarity (Clarity #1)Author: Kim HarringtonRelease date: March 1, 2011Publisher: PointPages: 242Source: Publisher Clarity “Clare” Fern sees things. Things no one else can see. Things like stolen kisses and long-buried […]
And Then Everything Unraveled by Jennifer Sturman
Book: And Then Everything Unraveled by Jennifer Sturman Rating: 4 Stars Release Date: July 1, 2009 from Point Summary:Delia Truesdale has no idea her life’s about to change forever. She’s […]