I picked up Sekret, Lindsay Smith’s debut novel, hoping for a good historical novel with some hints of intrigue and romance. What I got was something so much better! Lindsay […]

I picked up Sekret, Lindsay Smith’s debut novel, hoping for a good historical novel with some hints of intrigue and romance. What I got was something so much better! Lindsay […]
Killer Instinct is one of those books that makes me wonder why I actually wasted my time finishing it. Sure it’s short at only 272 pages but even 272 pages […]
Something Real by Heather Demetrios has garnered a lot of praise in the few short months that it’s been out. I’m a huge contemporary fan but for some reason this […]
Not a Drop to Drink, Mindy McGinnis’ debut novel, is a unique dystopian story that kept me hooked from beginning to end. It’s a story that hasn’t been overdone in […]
Dear Killer is really hard for me to review. On one hand, I enjoyed it. On the other, there were things about it that really let me down. Dear Killer […]
Find Me, Romily Bernard’s debut novel, has been garnering some high praise from reviewers lately. I went in with very high expectations and I think my expectations were maybe a […]
Cruel Beauty, Rosamund Hodge’s debut novel, is one of the best retellings I’ve read. Really it’s just one of the best books I’ve read in quite some time. I was […]
How To Love is by far one of the best debuts I’ve ever read. I truly had no idea what to expect from Katie Cotugno and I was completely blown […]
Something Like Normal has been on my radar for a while but it’s one of those books that I just kept putting off. I was a little scared to read […]
This review is just going to be a jumbled mess of me gushing about Katja Millay’s debut novel. Let’s just get that out of the way from the start. The […]