Available or Single? Single Best Friend? Hmm. That’s hard. Tie between Megan, Kiley, Kally, and Hailley! Cake or Pie? I think I’ll go with cake this time. =] Drink of […]
Category: random
It seems I am in a bit of a blogging slump. I just don’t really feel like posting right now. So I’m sorry. Hopefully I will be back to normal […]

Create A Cover!
Found this at The Story Siren! CREATE YOUR DEBUT YA COVER 1 – Go to “Fake Name Generator” or clickhttp://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ The name that appears is your author name. 2 – […]

So, I have noticed a couple challenges that I think would be fun to participate in. Briana at The Book Pixie and Kelsey at The Book Scout have both posted […]
Okay so I was going to do my IMM today but I have such a terrible headache. I’m going to wait until tomorrow to show you all the amazing books […]

Okay so I was just over at Greenbeanteenqueen’s blog and I saw something that made me squeal. Here it is: The cover for the third book in The Immortals series […]
Hey guys! I was going to write a review for Lipstick Apology, which I loved, but I’m so tired right now that I don’t think it would do the book […]

New Bookcase!
So, as most of you guys know, I just moved. What most of you don’t know is that I still haven’t unpacked all my books. That is because I have […]

Let’s Be Friends Award!!
While I was away on vacation I received a new award, the Let’s Be Friends award. I was actually given this award from three different bloggers and here is a […]
I’m Home!!!
As you can see from my post title I am back home and in front of the computer. I have been checking my email but not my blog so I […]